Sunday, May 4, 2014

Back in the Pool

Swimming lessons started back up for Jackson yesterday and they went great.

We decided to enroll him at the YMCA since it was right near our house, and they had room in their beginners class.  (Tiger Mountain Aquatics was a 30+ minute drive, and didn't have room until at least the fall in the next class up.)  He's been excited about going again and, like our Sesame Street Live outing, kept asking all morning if it was time to go.

His last swimming class had the kiddos in the water with parents, but this class was a beginners class for kiddos only.  He was a little nervous as he approached the pool alone but quickly warmed up and got right in.  When we signed up, they recommended bringing goggles, which we thought was a brilliant plan given his dislike of water getting in his eyes, but we tried to get them on him several times at home and there, only to have him say they were hurting his hair.  So, he hasn't yet experienced the benefits of goggles.

It was so fun to be able to watch him throughout the class as a spectator since, last time around, I was in the water with him.


Lisa said...

How old are the kids teaching him?!

Jenny said...

Good question, Lisa...we were wondering the same thing. They've gotta be in high school, even if they don't look it, right?