Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Say what?

Jackson has a bunch of funny phrases and ways that he pronounces certain words that make me smile every time I hear them.  Here are just a few:
  • Both of thems (when talking about multiple things)
  • Tab-o-let (when referring to my or Corey's tablets that he wants to watch an Elmo YouTube clip on before bath time)
  • Peeee-uter (when referring to the computer upstairs, which is also used to watch YouTube clips on before bath at times)
  • Have fun! (still said when putting him in his crib at night)
  • Let's do this! (he's like a parrot these days and will repeat anything we say, so we like to insert this phrase, or any other phrase that will sound funny coming from a 2-year old, into our conversations a lot)
  • No like it (still a common phrase, and used most often when we ask him to try new foods/foods that he's picking around at dinner)
  • See you in the morrows (believe this is a cross between "see you tomorrow" and "see you in the morning", which he says when we put him in his crib at night)
How can he only be two but look like such a big boy??

Friday, May 10, 2013

Blushing Bride (to be)

My mom and I had the honor of hosting a bridal shower for my dear friend Kelsey last weekend.  She and Mark are getting married next month, and the shower the first of a number of exciting celebrations leading up to their big day.  Kelsey and I have been friends and her friendship means the world to me, so I was so excited to throw a fun party in her honor.

I took Thursday off of work to relax and get some errands done after a number of crazy weeks at work.  Then my mom arrived that afternoon and the party prep began.  Friday was dedicated to grocery shopping, food prep, cleaning, and decorating.  It was so fun to be able to spend the day preparing with my mom, and her company made the time fly as we worked through our to do list.

By Saturday, almost everything was done so we were able to spend the morning playing with the munchkin.

We lucked out with an amazing day - the hottest this year so far with temps in the 80s - so the 20ish of us were able to enjoy time out on the patio while we snacked and visited (another first for the year).

I think the bride-to-be had a great time, and she sure did make out like a bandit.  I'm not sure there's anything left on her registry!

Love ya, Kels...can't wait for your big day!


(Co) hostesses

My girlies!
Best girlfriends, with best mom-friends


It's no surprise that J loves letters and his ABCs.  He can name a number of the letters when we read his alphabet books or play with his letters, or he'll name a word that starts with each letter.  He also loves to sing the ABCs.

Here's a cute video of him singing before bath time the other night.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Birthday Wrap-up

J's birthday has come and gone but thought I'd share a few videos captured during his party.

He also recently has his 2 year check-up.  Though we'd talked numerous times leading up to his appointment about going to the doctor, what they do there, and that we weren't going to cry, J started screaming the moment the nurse called his name to come back, just like last time.  He calmed down once the doctor arrived and did well for the rest of the appointment.  He loved picking out a sticker at the end (his choice was a pink and purple Care bear sticker).

  • Weight: 32.6 lbs - 90-95%
  • Height: 36.5" - 95%+
Lucky for all of us, there were no shots this time around.  Assuming he stays healthy, he won't have to go back until he turns three!

We wrapped up an eventful doctor's visit with a trip to Baskin Robbins, where J got to pick out whatever flavor ice cream he wanted (chocolate chip) and the scariness of the nurse was long forgotten.