Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Weekend of Firsts

Because of Jackson's fear of being in the pool, I signed him up for swimming lessons and we had our first lesson this weekend at Tiger Mountain Aquatics. 
He was a little nervous beforehand and took a little while to warm up to the idea of being in the pool, but after some coaxing from teacher and I, and some fun toys to play with, he let me carry him right in. (There were no tears, though!)  It probably didn't hurt that he got to see the other kids having fun in the water first (by other kids, I mean the 7-month old triplets - they were the only other "students" this week).
He seemed to really enjoy himself, and there were lots of laughs and repeat requests for doing "Humpty Dumpty" off the side of the pool, for throwing the ball back and forth, and for riding around in his boat (i.e. floatie). 
Looking forward to seeing him progress in the weeks to come.


Another first this weekend, was taking a dance class.  The Massive Monkees, as seen on America's Best Dance Crew, have a studio in the International District and on Sundays, one of the dancers hosts a breaking dancing drop-in class for 2-6 year olds.  With J's love of dancing, we thought it would be a great way to spend a weekend morning.
The teacher was great, and it was fun to see her moves, but the highlight of the class was seeing toddlers who'd been before show off their break-dancing.  Some of them were pretty good!
J didn't take his turn dancing in the middle of the circle, but seemed to enjoy himself for the most part.  He got a little tired and cranky towards the end, wanting to be held, or to hang all over me, but that aside, I'd consider his first dance class a success.  Hopefully if we go back a few more times, he'll work up the courage to dance in the circle.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE that he is taking class with the Massive Monkees! How awesome!