Here are a few pictures from tonight:
All the puppies wanted a treat from this doggy mama (even Nigel (the big dog), who is the trainer's dog).
Proud papa (and proud puppy checking out the bone).
I think she likes the bone.
Next week, we start Basic Training, which is a 6-week long training course where the dogs learn the basic commands (sit, stay, down, etc). Should be fun!
"I think she likes the bone."
That's what she said...
Jason Reeder! I didn't realize you were a loyal Meet the Morans blog fan. Or did Lisa tell you this would be a good 'That's what she said' opportunity and force you to read it?
Regardless...nice job. Reeder: 2 points, Moran: 10 points (I'm still beating you after the cruise and all).
I've been a loyal Meet the Morans fan from the beginning!
In order to collect my points though, I had to register. I didn't want Lisa to get credit for that doozy:) It looks like I still have a lot of ground to make up.
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