Thursday, October 30, 2014

Remlinger Farm Field Trip

All month, Jackson was looking forward to his preschool class' pumpkin patch field trip to Remlinger.  The big day finally arrived last Friday, and both Corey and I were able to partake in the fun.  After a few days of heavy rain, we were all thrilled for a break in the rain just in time for the trip, and we even score some sun!

The kiddos enjoyed jumping in the hay, going through the hay maze, a popcorn snack, a train ride, and picking out a pumpkin.  It was fun to see so much excitement, but we have major respective for all the teachers - helping corral 20+ curious kiddos from place to place is hard work!  Just getting the kids from the snack time area to the bathroom around the corner (what field trip would be complete without a potty break for all 20+ kids) took tons of coordination, patience, and coaxing.  While the kids were supposed to hold a partner's hand, they kept wandering away and we were constantly running back and forth trying to get them to walk where they needed to.

Everyone had a great time though, and that's all that mattered.  But I'm not going to lie, I was ready for a nap after that adventure!  I honestly don't know how the teachers do it all day, every day - they are so great!

We tried hard, but this was the best we could do in terms of a group shot.

Miss Chris is the head teacher of Jackson's class - she absolutely loves the kiddos.

"Hmm..what fun things do we get to do here?!"

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