Tuesday, October 28, 2014

9 Month Stats

J and I took Cole to the doctor today and everyone did great. I bribed J with a few jelly beans to remain quiet while I was talking to the doctor and nurse (since he is SUCH a chatterbox/Curious George lately) and made sure he had a good snack and his tablet to play with.  Cole did great, especially for only having had one nap earlier this morning before I picked him up for his 4 p.m. appointment. (Of course he fell asleep the second we started driving, and I had to wake him 10 minutes later when we reached the office.)

  • Weight: 21 lbs, 6 oz (75%)
  • Length: 29.5" (75%)
  • Head: 18 (95%+)
His weight is back in alignment with his length, which is great, especially because he hasn't been drinking as much each day, now that he's eating more solids. 

The doc confirmed that his forth tooth is coming in on top, and noticed a third coming in on the bottom, bringing his total up to 7.  Knowing that teeth often come in pairs, we should expect to see #8 soon. 

Cole got a flu shot (just a few tears for a minute) while J held his hand, and then the nurse pricked his toe to be able to test his iron levels, and loved being able to go with her to pop it into the machine for a readout.  His iron is a bit low, but the doctor thinks with more Cheerios and cereal, he'll be right where he should be by his 1-year check-up.

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