Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day 2014

Wishing our amazing dads a very happy Father's day.  We are both so lucky to have such great role models in our lives, who have supported, encouraged and loved us unconditionally.

And a big Father's Day shout out to the best daddy our boys could have ever asked for.  Corey is such a patient, fun, kind, caring, and smart dad and these boys are just so blessed to have him in their lives.  I couldn't do this parenting gig without him - he brings patience, calmness, support, perspective and most importantly humor, to our role as parents, and helps make the fun times even more fun, and the tough times more bearable.

Jackson asked for a haircut "just like daddy's" but given his cowlicks, a few modifications needed to be made.  I can't believe how much older he looks!

Cole enjoyed helping Jackson open Corey's gifts.

Thanks to Pinterest, I came up with a cute and fun gift for the boys to give Corey.  Let's just say that painting with a four month old is a bit messy to say the least, especially when trying to rush and complete the project before daddy gets home from work. But, both kiddos had fun, and that's all that matters.

While it was a fairly relaxing day, including a bit of sleeping in (one of his wishes for the day, though he definitely didn't take full advantage) and a brief nap for Corey, it was also a productive day and included a haircut for Jackson and a few chores around the house.  We rounded out the day with a Starbucks breakfast and Din Thai Fung take out for dinner. 

Looking forward to all the fun times the boys will have with their amazing daddy throughout the next year.

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