Friday, June 24, 2011

2-Month Check-up

Happy two months to Jackson!

Yesterday our man turned two months old and today was his check-up - he did great and the doc had great things to say: he's 'thriving' and is a very healthy baby.

Here are his key stats:
- Height: 24.5 inches (98th percentile)
- Weight: 13 lbs, 15 oz (85th percentile)
- Head circumference: 40.5 cm (80th percentile)

We had started to see some improvements in his colic last week but he's been a little fussy again the last few days - the doctor confirmed that we are on the downhill and we should continue to see improvements between now and three months, and confirmed that J should be completely through it by four months.

J seems to nap the best when in his bouncer, which was one of the things I asked the doctor about. While he confirmed it's not a huge deal, he did confirm that it's best for J's long term sleeping habits to get him sleeping in the same place during the day that he's sleeping at night (which is his crib). While he will go down for a nap in his crib sometimes, it only lasts for 30-45 mins but in the bouncer, J can nap for hours. So, that's what I'm going to work on over the next few weeks, especially since I'll be going back to work in August and he'll be starting daycare in September - gotta make sure he's able to nap comfortably and long in a crib, or else they'll kick him out (or, at least that's what I'll tell him!).

J was very happy and calm the whole time we were there, but when it came time for his three shots, he became the saddest boy I've ever seen and it about broke my heart! It was so sad to see him go from being so happy to so upset in less than a second --- but he calmed down quickly as soon as the shots were over with and I was able to pick him up and hold him. He even had some more smiles left in him on the way to the car, but he's been passed out every since we left and I think he'll be pretty sleepy the rest of the afternoon.

Looking forward to J kicking colic and to see what exciting milestones the next two months bring us!

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