Saturday, April 25, 2009


I love running when it's nice, cool and crisp out on spring and summer mornings (one of the only times I actually don't mind going for a run) and I recently started running on several weekday mornings again now that it's getting light out so early.

I went out for a run yesterday and was feeling great - that is until I had a big spill about 10 blocks from home. I tripped over a slightly uneven piece of sidewalk (not the first time that has happened to me) and skidded on my hands and knees to a stop in someone's yard, where I was completely laying on the ground on my side. I jumped back up and kept running, party because I was super embarrassed and partly because I was in pain and didn't want to think about it.

Once back home, I assessed myself. Luckily I had been wearing pants so while my knees are a bit scraped up, they aren't nearly as bad as they've been before (which I have lovely scars from). My hands, however, must have taken the brunt of my fall. The bottom of my palms on both hands were all scraped up and there were pieces of skin actually hanging off them. Ick! In looking at the wounds, I realized that there was dirt in them and thinking about that and having to clean it caused me to feel sick --- so much so that my wonderful husband had to step in and help out. He cut the skin flaps off and then picked out the dirt with tweezers, after which he doused the wounds with alcohol so they don't get infected. All the while, I was laying on the bathroom floor in my robe, thinking I was going to throw up. What a fabulous husband I have, huh?

I'm feeling great now - just have a few oozing, stinging wounds on my hands.

For those who don't get sick like I do at site of open wounds, here's a lovely pic of my hands.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Forgive the belated comment, but:

1) There is no way I would have ever gotten up at 5:30 to run on a weekday. I think that was karma for you making the rest of us look bad.

2) There is no way I would have let someone pick things out of open wounds with tweezers. I would rather just chop my hands off and hope I grew back new ones.

3) There is no way I would have gone to work after all of that trauma...this is why sick days were created.

All that said, I think it's very clear who is the tough one of the group. Me.