Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Birthday Celebration and Mariners My Oh My

I headed up to my friend Heather's house today to visit her during her son Aidan's birthday party. He just turned 6 so you can imagine the fun that was had at the party - pin the horn on the dragon, a pinata, cake, presents, candy, etc. I don't think I have ever been in the same room with 10+ 6-year olds but let's just say I have a whole new appreciation for kindergarten and first grade teachers.

Here are some photos from the party.

10+ 6-year olds fighting for candy from the pinata. It got brutal!

Heather did a great job with the dragon cake!

Sheer delight over blowing out the dragon cake candles. Ah, to be a kid again...

Heather and I taking a break from cleaning up pop spills to pose together.

Heather and Gavin (her other son). Gavin just turned 1 last week!

Aidan liked the ukulele that we bought him in Maui.

Later in the evening, we met up with the Reeders for a quick dinner at Cheesecake Factory before heading to Safeco Field for a Mariners game.

After dinner, we were all feeling a bit silly and I challenged Jason to put all the pieces of the Double Bubble gum he got during a trip to Nike Town in his mouth at once and of course, he took me up on the challenge.

Unwrapping all the pieces...

Got 'em all in his mouth...

Wow! That's a lot of gum!

Then off to the game we went. It was the first game we'd been to this season and we had a great time, even if the Mariners lost (to the Tigers). Here are some photos from Safeco Field.

Jason & Lisa at the game.

Corey and I goofing around during the game.

What fun is a baseball game without cotton candy and shaved ice?

We were so close to being in the section that received 8 lbs of licorice from the Moose!

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