Friday, December 5, 2008

HMG Holiday Shindig

Tonight was the 2nd Annual HMG Holiday Dinner. This year, we were at the Dahlia Lounge in downtown Seattle. The company was great and the food was fabulous - we had a great time! We were in a private room in the back of the restaurant - it was fun to have the place to ourselves as we mingled and pigged out.

It's so fun to see how the company grows in the course of a year - their revenue per month has doubled since last year at this time, they've added another employee and their clients seem to be keeping them really busy even though the economy has taken a turn for the worse in recent months.

Here are a few pics from the evening.

The whole crew.

Corey and I.

The HMG clan.
Back (L to R): Matt, Brian, Niels , Corey
Front (L to R): Laura, Natalie, Pat (the newest edition to the team)

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