Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Great Escape - Part 2

So y'all remember a few months ago, right after we brought Roxy home, she escaped from her pen, right? Well it happened again. This time, though, it wasn't because she was able to squeeze through the bars in the gate, she actually knocked the gate down! I walked in to find her sitting on her dog bed looking at me.

Luckily she didn't get into much this time (no more molding was chewed and the table was in-tact with the exception of the chewing she did last time). She did tear her newspapers up a bit, chew on the book that helped hold her gate up and tried to eat one of the bulbs on the Christmas tree...but that's it! There were no accidents like last time. She's definitely growing up (I think).

Our cute, innocent pup.

Her pen - torn apart during her escape.

Another view of the gate - she really did a number on it.

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