Monday, June 22, 2015

Strawberry Picking

A few weekends back, we decided that strawberry picking at Remlinger Farms would be fun.  Last year, Jackson had a great time picking raspberries and we thought both boys would enjoy it this year.  So, on a sunny Sunday, we met the Gossetts there and got busy picking.

Jackson loved running up and down the rows looking for nice red berries, while Cole was more interested in the green berries and the dirt. But he had fun, and that's all that matters.  About $5 and 3.5 pounds of berries later, we headed home to make sorbet.  We did the same thing with raspberries last summer and it was a fun way to use the berries, and this year was just as fun.  But this time, I had a helper.  And because of my helper, the sorbet turned out delicious!

Such a fun way to spend a summer morning, and homemade sorbet beats any store bought sorbet any day.

Thanks for the family shot, Natalie!

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