Sunday, May 17, 2015

Weekend Shenanigans

Another weekend in the books, with lots of fun to look back on, as we begin the new week.

Started out a work party in our neighborhood to spread some new topsoil.  The boys were big helpers.

And Jackson pushed Cole all the way back home, only nearly steering off the curb just a few times.

Then Cole was being a total goofball, and decided that his extra big smile face was hilarious.  He will do it now and then and it cracks him up every time.  I do, too.

We hit up one of J's favorite parks:

And after our park outing, we him up J's favorite breakfast place but for dinner. Boys were both happy.  And so was I ... not often I don't have to ask J to eat his dinner but when you get pancakes with fruit and whipped cream and scrambled eggs for dinner, who needs to be reminded to keep eating?

This morning, we went on our third family hike, where we experienced a few firsts - Cole falling asleep mid-hike, and J needing a piggy-back ride on the way back to the car.

Jackson even practiced some of his upcoming Spring Pageant songs. I love this one.

Cole practiced his "hellos" and "goodbyes".

Wrapped up the weekend with the Shawvers coming over for dinner.  Jackson and Addy played so well together, and he was quite the gentleman, parking his scooter to run over and help her when she needed a push up the hill (he knows first hand those hills are hard work - he's always needing our help getting started).  Cole had a blast playing with the big kids and clearly, he loved his version of a s'more (a plain graham cracker).  Cole still wiggles and his whole body shakes when he's excited, and I just love it.

And just like that, the weekend is over. Have a great week!

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