Monday, July 28, 2014

Six Months

Another month has quickly passed and Cole turned 6 months over the weekend.  He spent it celebrating his Uncle Scott's wedding (more to come soon) and did great on his first overnight roadtrip.

Here are few highlights from the past month.
  • Sitting - about three weeks ago, Cole began really sitting on his own.  He loves this new point of view, and spent 30 or 40 minutes in a single sitting (pun intended) on the hotel bed over the weekend playing and taking everything in.
  • Sleeping - still a good sleeper, and most nights sleeps from 7:45 or 8 until 6 or 6:30.  Occasionally he'll wake up shortly before 6, but often falls back sleep if we give him a paci.
  • Eating - still eating 6x/day (including a 10 p.m. dream feed) or sometimes 7 times at daycare, 35-40 oz. day.
  • Solids - has started eating solids and seems to like them so far.  He's had green beans & brown rice, brown rice cereal, avocado, peas, bananas, pear, mango, nectarine, applesauce, Mum Mums, squash, puffs, and plum.  His favorite seems to be green beans & brown rice which he polished off nearly half a jar of in one sitting, with very little on his face.  He isn't sure about puffs or Mum Mums once they're in his mouth and typically ends up munching on them for a bit, and then spits them out. (Most of the time they end up in a goopey mess in his fist as he hasn't quite figured out the pincher grasp.)
  • Clapping - my cousin Natalie taught him to clap at Scott's wedding and while he doesn't do it all the time, he often will clap along with you.
  • Still not rolling over, but has gotten very close to rolling from back to tummy to reach for a toy.
  • Has a FIRM grip - he went from a few days of lovingly cupping our faces to clawing our faces and necks, and yanking hair and necklaces.  No more long earrings or necklaces for me for awhile!
  • Still loves his toes and his tongue
  • No longer using his baby tub in the bath or his swing - we've retired both!
  • Experience his first swing
  • Has started looking in our direction consistently when we say his name - not sure yet if it's because he knows his name, or if he just recognizes our voice.
  • Continues to be a very happy baby with big, open mouth smiles for everyone.  My favorite is the big smile and leg kicks that he does as soon as he sees us walk in his room each morning.
And here are his 6 month stats:
  • Weight: 18 lbs, 3 oz. (50-75%)
  • Length: 28" (95%)
  • Head: 17.5" (75%)
He did great and very smiley and chatty with the nurse and doctor.  He got an oral and three shots and was very sad, but quickly calmed down after I was able to pick him up.  Poor munchkin!  J accompanied us to the doctor and was a very good boy as well, keeping himself entertained with the toys in the room, and his tablet and phone.

Here are Cole's stats from his 4-month check up, and here are J's 6-month stats.

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