Monday, April 28, 2014

3 Months

Another month has quickly passed and Cole is three months old!

His schedule remains very similar to last month, but we've dropped the second overnight feeding completely, and there have been numerous times over the past three weeks that he's slept all night, through his 2 or 3 a.m. feeding!  The first week, he had four all nighters (of sleeping) in a row, and then during the past two weeks, he's had three all nighters in a row.  While it often takes a few trips into a room (between 8 and 9 p.m.)  after we put him down before he finally goes to sleep, he's slept anywhere from 9 to 11 hours straight on these nights.  I am loving the extra sleep - it's amazing what 6+ straight hours of sleep can do for a mama.

In other news, he continues to occasionally bust out of his swaddle - the small ones are starting to get too small, but the bigger ones are too big - which tends to wake him up one the nights he doesn't sleep all night, and then he realizes he's hungry.  We've started to swaddle him with one arm out during naps to start to wean him from the swaddle and he seems to tolerate this just fine; however I'm nervous to attempt this overnight right now, given that he's on such a good all nighter streak.  Would rather get that happening more consistently before introducing a big change like taking away the swaddle.  So, in the meantime,  we've started using the "Miracle Blanket" as his swaddle at night and hope that keeps our little Houdini in until we're ready to get rid of it.

An informal weight check at home the other day had Cole at 14.8 lbs.  Can't wait to see where he is at his four month check up next month.

We are all loving every day with this happy chunky monkey!

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