Friday, February 8, 2013

Another New Trick

I'm feeling like a horrible momma - nearly two weeks and no new blog posts.  Life has been hectic - pure craziness at work (requiring me to work each night, and even more on the weekends), physical therapy (finally trying to fix my knee after nearly three years), lots of social plans, catching up on sleep after lots of late nights, etc.  But that's no excuse, because there's lots of cute stuff going on around these parts.

Take this video for example.  Our munchkin loves his letters in the tub, and loves it even more when you sing the ABCs.  And lately, he loves trying to sing along to them.  I witnessed this for the first time earlier this week in the car.  AHdorable.

Note: I truly apologize for my horrible singing.  The ony way to get him to sing along is for us to sing, or for us to play the song in the car on his kiddie CD.

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