Monday, November 19, 2012

Even More Cuteness

Okay, I've given you a break.  Now it's time to finish the list of cute Jackson happenings.

Sometimes I give Jackson string cheese on the way home from daycare.  Normally he eats most of it but we typically find crumbs on him and in his car seat that I give to Roxy when we get inside.  Last week though, he finished everything and there was nothing left for Roxy.  I didn't think anything of it or say anything to him but as we came inside, he tossed a bite size chunk of cheese into her bowl.  He'd actually saved her a piece and kept it tightly in his hand until he could give it to her!

Jackson has sensitive skin and sometimes gets dry patches that take awhile to go away.  He's had a little dry skin on his cheek for a few weeks, which I've been putting hydrocortisone and Aquaphor on in the morning and again before bed.  Whenever I ask him if I can put these on his cheek, he'll point to his cheek and yell "cheek!" and run over and get both containers.  It's become such a part of his routine that sometimes he'll go grab these on his own and come back and point and say "cheek" to remind me.

When I ask Jackson to back up, he likes to say "beep, beep, beep".  Cracks me up every time.
One of the teachers at daycare told Corey last week that Jackson's latest development is his new phase of playing.  He's less shy now than he was there for a few months, but has started to fight with others over toys (vs. the "parallel play" phase) and has gotten into trouble a few times. At home he likes to collect all the balls in his room and throw them into crib, be put in the crib and throw them all out (wash, rinse, repeat).  Well, at school, he does this but with toys and the teacher was worried he'd throw the toys at other kids --- he'll collect them and then throw it over the gate in the changing area, or the wooden play area.  Sometimes, when he's organizing all the toys by himself, another kid sees that and wants to play, but he'll get upset and they end up fighting over the toys.  The teacher also told Corey that "he's a boy" and "it's the age" and it's all part of learning to play with others, rather than on his own all the time.

He has a big boy Stokke chair now that he really seems to like.  He'd started to outgrow the other high chair and we were ready to transition to him sitting up at the table with us (and I was so sick of that dang high chair tray constantly adorning our counter or table!).  And since about two weeks ago, he no longer drinks any bottles.  It's milk in a cup with breakfast, lunch and dinner, with water the rest of the time.  The only bottle he was drinking was right before bed, which he loved, and I thought it would be tough to break him of it, but after looking frantically around the room saying "baba" the first night, we were able to quickly distract him with a book and he hasn't looked back. He also always now asks for "mil" (milk) at meals rather than a "baba". 

Other new words include "peetza" (pizza) and "wall" (which he pointed out today while I was changing his diaper), "hiiiicha" (high chair), "dinNER", and he's started to understand possessive forms (i.e. he'll point at my shoes and say "mama's").

And here's a video from last week, where J's showing off his cleaning skills:

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