Sunday, May 27, 2012


Not sure if toddling is a word, but I think we can safely say it's exactly what Jackson's doing these days.  Over the last 3-4 days, he's gone from walking back and forth between Corey and I to toddling from room and down the hallway.  It all started on Thursday morning after I put his coat on him - I stood him in front of me so I could grab my purse and his bag before picking him back up, but when I looked up again, he'd walked about 10 feet to our front door (which was open) and had poked his head out, looking for Corey, who'd just taken something to the car.  Every day he gets stronger and more stable, and ever day he becomes a bit more brave, even allowing me to 'chase' him down the hall.  It's so stinkin' cute.

He can't quite stand and start walking without pulling himself up on something first, but he's finding ways to get himself up and about with no problem.  Good thing the baby gates came and Corey installed them a few days ago...

And even though the following video is unrelated to walking, I just had to post it.  Jackson's discovered that one of his shape sorter shapes makes a fun kazoo-like sound and he spent about a half hour with it in his mouth tonight, while opening and shutting (and opening and shutting, again and again) the door on daddy.  So funny.  Love this kid!

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