Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jackson!

I have no idea how it happened so fast, but here we are, exactly one year since Jackson was born.  It has been the best year of my life in so many ways. I never knew I could love someone so little so much.  He truly makes me smile and laugh many times every day and I love watching him learn and try new things, him smile and play and most of all, his hugs.  He is such a fun little guy and I can't wait to see who he becomes in the next one, two, five, and ten plus years.  He truly is a joy.

And though I love the kid more than life itself, it's also made for one of the most challenging years.  Being a parent is HARD work.  But I wouldn't trade any single rough moment for anything in the world because it's one of the many moments and memories that have brought us to today and every moment makes up who this munchkin is.  And no matter what, J, his fantastic daddy and I are in it together and can get through it as a family.

Here's a video we debuted at his birthday party over the weekend, which recaps the last 365 days with our little man.  I had so much fun looking through photos deciding which to include and what music to use.  It's a little long at nearly 17 minutes, so sit back and relax, and hopefully these photos make you smile and laugh as much as we did.


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