Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Piggly Wiggly

Well, the stats are in and we've got a bit of a piggly wiggly on our hands.  I took Jackson to his 9 month check-up today and he continues to tip the scales on all fronts:
  • Height: 31" (99th percentile)
  • Weight: 23 lbs, 4.5 oz (95th percentile)
  • Head: 46.5 cm (90th percentile)
I failed to bring anything but puffs and Mum Mums to entertain Jackson, so waiting for the doc to come into our room was a bit a challenge.  But once J got busy stuffing his face, all was good.

The doc was pleased with his growth and impressed with where J is developmentally.  We got some tips on brushing his teeth, eating solids, helping keep his skin irritation to a minimum around his mouth (it's often red), and were able to have a small bump on his forehead looked at.  (Late last month, J bumped his head and when I was checking his head out, I noticed a bump on the outside of his left eyebrow.  I wasn't sure if that's where he hit his head or if I was just noticing the bump for the first time since I was inspecting that area, but regardless it's still there.)  The doctor wasn't too concerned but is referring us to a facial cranial expert at Children's for further evaluation.  He thinks it's simply a dermoid cyst and that the facial cranial doc will be able to determine if that's what it is for sure and whether anything needs to be done with it.  So, we'll get our appointment at Children's scheduled and provide an update soon.

The best part of the appointment was no shots!  So all in all a great appointment and I'm already looking forward to his next check-up --- the big 1 year check-up! 

1 comment:

Natalie Naomi said...

Bummer about the head bump. It will be even more of a bummer if it is filled with teeth (read wed md link). Eek!

Keep us posted.