Sunday, October 23, 2011

6 Months

I know I say this every month, but I truly cannot believe another month has gone by and that baby J is six months old - halfway to his first birthday. WOW!

Every month continues to get more and more fun as he becomes more social and can interact more with us.

His six month check-up isn't until Wednesday, so no height and weight updates to share; however, here are a few of the key notables from the past month.

  • Is quite the little sitter.  I love sitting him down with some toys and just watching him play.
  • Can (sometimes) roll over.
  • Was a great sleeper this past month.  Most nights he was in bed between 7:45 and 8 p.m., and slept until 6:30 or 6:45 a.m.
  • Is enjoying solids more and more each day.  He especially likes fruit, carrots and sweet potatoes.
  • Has been taking at least one long nap (1.5-2 hours) almost every day.
  • Is no longer swaddled with either arm in when sleeping.
  • Loves to be outside.
  • Loves to laugh (see video below).
  • Is constantly "talking"....while playing, when waking up in the a.m., when in the car.
  • Loves bath time and being able to splash.
  • Seems to like sleeping on his tummy occasionally.
  • Has officially outgrown his swing (he tries to push himself out of it, and the shifting of his weight and change in balance makes the swing stop swinging).  Hilarious.
  • Has almost outgrown his bouncer.
  • Typically only takes three naps per day now --- around 8:30 a.m., around 12 or 12:30 p.m. and around 4 or 5 p.m.
  • Continues to drink five bottles per day, each between 7 and 9 oz.
  • Continues to drool like there's no tomorrow --- we have to change him at least 3+ times / day.
  • Likes being out and about.  In the evenings, he's tired and it typically tends to be his fussy time but on Friday night, we went out to Azteca and he had a blast.  He sat in a high chair for the first time and loved smacking the table and trying to eat the placemats, napkins and plastic container our waiter brought him.  He also loved looking at the little boy seated near us.  He didn't fuss one time the entire time we were there.  Apparently, we have a social butterfly on our hands.

Looking forward to the next month!
(Sorry for the bad video skills --- I was laughing and making faces to get Jackson to laugh, and wasn't paying much attention to the camera.)


Natalie Naomi said...

Happy half birthday, Jackson! We should have celebrated with a half b-day cake.

Kelsey said...

I love the laugh!