Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2018 Year in Review

It's hard to believe another year is coming to a close.  While I didn't blog at all this year (Instagram seems to be my documenting tool of choice these days), I couldn't give up my annual year in review/video recap.  It's always fun to look back on everything we did throughout the year, and the boys love seeing the photos and listening to the music.

We enjoyed numerous trips this year, including Whistler with the Barths in February, Vegas with the Reeders, Gossetts, and Barths in May, Kauai in July with my parents and Joan, Chelan in August with the Reeders, and several trips to Yakima. We also had a few staycations in Bellevue - a parents night out on NYE, my mom and I had a girls weekend in April, and we stayed as a family last weekend and enjoyed a dinner out, seeing Snowflake Lane and swimming in the hotel pool.  We were able to visit with Curtis on his trip up here back in January, and with Elliott over the holidays this past week.

Cole, who has been anxiously awaiting his 5th birthday next month (for just the last 6 months or so), is doing really well in Pre-K and cannot wait to join Jackson at school next fall. With Pre-K came no more naps at school so now on the weekends, we give him the choice. He usually skips them (though may snag a catnap in the car) but every once in awhile, he'll choose a nap, or even put himself down for one, which I think is the cutest thing ever.  He has many friends at school but especially enjoys his girl friends.  He still loves dressing up in princess costumes, drawing and coloring (which he's actually quite good at!), playing outside, and riding his bike or scooter.  He's the free spirit of the family, and continues to make us laugh with this jokes and enthusiastic jazz hands.  I wish I could bottle up his energy and use it myself.

At age seven, Jackson is in 2nd grade and is doing really well.  He especially loves math (didn't get that from me!) and science.  At recess, he loves playing on the bars and apparently can go forwards or backwards over 30 times in a row. He enjoys playing with lots of friends, including our neighbor girl, who recently moved from Thailand (and whom he'd met briefly in our cul-de-sac and then started playing with her at recess, without realizing it was the same girl).  He tried baseball for the first time, deeming it his favorite sport, played soccer, and ran cross country again in the spring and fall through school.  He's been taking swimming lessons and both boys are taking gymnastics on the weekend.  This winter, he'll give basketball a try.  He lost his first two teeth mid-year, and has five partially wiggly ones.  He continues to be a very curious, respectful, responsible, organized, sweet boy and older brother.

Corey celebrated 11 years at HMG, while I reached 10 at T-Mobile.  I completed a half marathon over labor day with my goal time, and was thrilled to have the boys, Corey and the Reeders and Gossetts cheering me on.

Our year included hospital visits for two of us (one planned and one unplanned).  Cole had tubes put in his ears in August, to help with numerous ear infections, and I made an unplanned emergency visit back in February, after a run in with the cheese grater (my thumb is fully healed, but I've gotta be honest - I still get the chills thinking about it, and haven't used a grater since).

In sad news, we had to say goodbye to our Roxy girl in August.  She celebrated her 10th birthday in June but over the course of the next few months, her health rapidly declined after already running into some health challenges, and we had to make one of the toughest decisions ever.  In the end, we made the call that would avoid continuing to put her through surgeries that her poor body wouldn't be able to handle well, and that wouldn't result in a better quality of life. Nothing can prepare you for saying goodbye to a pet, especially your first baby - you think you've prepared yourself, but it's so so much harder than you imagine. Luckily Corey and I were able to say goodbye to her, and be with her until the end.   The boys took things well, and we still think of her often and talk about her as a family.

Here's a look back at our year, set to music.  And if you're interested in previously recaps, you can check them out here: 20172016, 2015, 2014, 20132012201120102009.


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