Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 Year in Review

Looking back, our theme for 2017 was TRAVEL! With a trip of some sort nearly every month this year, it was a BIG year for us in terms of trips and adventures.  Trips included Disneyland with my parents (January), Whistler with the Barths (February), a girls' trip to Portland (March), Kauai with the Reeders (May), adults only Ibiza/Amsterdam getaway (June), an Alaskan cruise (Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Victoria B.C.) with my family to celebrate my grandma’s 95th birthday (July), a boys camping trip at La Wis Wis (August), a parents-gone-wild trip Nashville with the Barths (September), a girls' trip to Vegas (October), and Corey visited his dad in Santa Rosa (December)

In other news, Cole turned 3, became potty trained, and officially started Preschool.  There, his teacher finds him very independent, happy and is impressed with his writing and drawing control.  He continues to be a clown, always finding ways to make us laugh, and to have tons of enthusiasm and zest for life which he conveys through his endless amounts of energy, excitement over everything, BIG hugs, and our favorite – jazz hands.  He enjoys costumes/dressing up (he has a special appreciation for dresses that “twirl” and capes), playing outside, doing puzzles, and playing with his kitchen toys/food. Some oral testing earlier this year deemed him no longer allergic to peanuts or almonds, and he has been loving all the new food options now available to him. Currently he’s looking forward to his 4th birthday next month.

2017 was a big year for Jackson, who turned 6.  He graduated Kindergarten at Evergreen Academy (queue the mama tears!) and started 1st grade at Creekside Elementary. He rocked the transition from a small school where he was among the oldest and knew all the kids and teachers, to a school of over 750 kids (!!!) in grades K-5. Seriously, he made it look like no big deal and here I was a nervous wreck over it for weeks leading up the switch.  He's in the before-and-after school care program there, and has seemed to enjoy that and all the activities and (summer) field trips it provides.  He continues to love school (especially math), enjoyed cross country at school and soccer through Arena Sports, and is looking forward to playing baseball for the first time come Spring.  He learned to swim, and was thrilled to pass the swim test at the YMCA which allows him to go on the water slide.  He continues to be (extremely) curious, sweet and kind, and his teacher and caregivers all talk about what a great, responsible and helpful kiddo he is.  He loves going to the movies and the arcade (his top pick when he earns enough poker chips through his behavior chart).  

After this year, we'll be slowing our travel schedule down a bit, but not completely.  We've got Whistler, Vegas and Kauai trips planned, and my mom and I will be returning to Palm Springs for a quick mother/daughter getaway in the spring.  I'm hoping to run another half marathon.

Here's a look back at some of our 2017 highlights. And if you're interested in previous yearly recaps, you can check them out here: 2016, 2015, 2014, 20132012201120102009.

We wish you all the best in 2018!

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