Friday, November 10, 2017

We Heart Nashville

Yes, it's been almost two months since we actually went to Nashville, and like four months since I've blogged, but this post has been on my to do list and I really, really want to cross it here you go!

Back in September, Corey and I headed to Nashville to the weekend with the Barths. We'd talked about tacking it on to one of my Chattanooga work trips, but that didn't ever work out, but then when the Seahawks schedule was published and included a game in Nashville, we decided it was time to pull the trigger.  Luckily Joan and Elliott agreed to watch the boys so that we could go (thanks again for taking such great care of them!)

We arrived around midnight on a Friday and were greeted with very hot and humid temps, and an incredible nightlife. We literally wheeled our suitcases down streets busting with crowds.  I've never seen anything like it outside of Vegas (though on a much smaller scale of course - the main drag in Nashville is only about three blocks long).

Our hotel was right in the middle of all the action, and we enjoyed some amazing food at Etch, Silo and Martin's Bar-B-Que Joint.  Even though some of the places we ate were in other neighborhoods, it's an easy city to get around in quickly with Uber or on foot.  We did some shopping, enjoyed lots (and lots) of cocktails, and stayed up way too late enjoying all the live music Nashville had to offer. Seriously, every bar was several floors and each floor had a different live band.  And then most bars had a rooftop deck, which would also showcase live music.  We loved it and just couldn't get enough.

On game day, it was just a short walk over the river from our hotel to the stadium.  Prior to the game, we hit up a Seahawks tailgate. It was fun to see so many Hawks fan so far from Seattle; however, it was HOT.  I think the temps were in the mid-90s and it was SO humid.  In just shorts and jerseys, we were dripped sweat before the game even started.  Titans fans were very friendly and didn't do a lot of trash talking (minus the 10-year old boys behind us), which we appreciated, considering the Hawks lost. 

Despite the loss, we had a wonderful time with highlights being the food, going to a Hawks away game, Alex singing karaoke (!!!), and the music.  Our three day was definitely not enough and we hope to make another trip out there again sometime!

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