Sunday, December 29, 2019

2019 Year in Review

While I'm not blogging these days, it definitely does not mean we're not making lots of memories.  It was another amazing year, and again, I'm shocked at how quickly it flew by.

Looking back at our year, one word that comes to mind is ADVENTURE.  Whether we were local or on one of many trips, we were living our best lives and enjoying fun adventures.  We made our annual trip to Whistler with the Barths in January, Southern California (San Diego and Disneyland) for spring break in April, annual Kauai trip with the Reeders in May, two adults only trips in July (Walla Walla for the 4th, and Vegas with the Reeders to celebrate Lisa's 40th), and a staycation before school started that included the fair, a ferry ride, Wild Waves, a Mt. Rainier hike with the Shinns, and the boys' first trip to The Melting Pot (which Cole is still talking about).  And Corey visited Curtis in in Santa Rosa in June, went to a friend's wedding in Spokane and enjoyed a guys' trip to Portland in September.  And we sprinkled a few trips to Yakima sprinkled throughout.

Cole joined Jackson at Creekside Elementary school this year, and oh my goodness, it's so nice to have both boys at one school! Cole is LOVING Kindergarten.  He has made lots of friends (most girls), including a few fifth grade lady friends, is reading and seems to enjoy math. While he isn't dressing up in costumes quite as much these days, he has a passion for sequins, unicorns, mermaids, and well, just about anything sparkly.  He's really into art, and has been taking drawing classes, becoming a wonderful artist.  He has great handwriting, is a good speller (or at least sounding things out phonetically), and loves to write and illustrate stories.  He took a few rounds of swimming lessons (he's right on the cusp of swimming on his own), played Sammamish Little League t-ball, learned to ride his bike , and began Tae Kwon Do with Jackson.  While he may not always remember all the steps they're learning, or the board as quickly as Jackson and some of the other kids, his perseverance is amazing.  And in Whistler, he took ski lessons, which he really seemed to enjoy.

Jackson started third grade this year and continues to do well. His writing is getting neater (sometimes), continues to love math (recently moved into times tables).  He wrapped up his first and last season of basketball (not a huge fan), did another season of baseball, and another season of soccer.  He lost four teeth this year, none of which grew in very quickly, making for a jack-o-lantern smile for about six months.  While both boys enjoy TKD, Jackson especially seems to love it - his focus and confidence is pretty amazing.  Jackson and I skied/snowboarded in Whistler earlier this year and then at Snoqualmie last week, and I'm amazed how well he is doing after taking lessons just once a few years back. He went some some beginner and intermediate runs and looks forward to lessons this winter at Snoqualmie with Cole.

In other family news, Corey and I both hit 12 years at HMG and T-Mobile respectively, my dad (semi) retired in March and my mom retired in September.  And after nearly 40 years of dreaming about it, my dad did the Everest base camp hike last month.  They also built a new home, resulting in the sale of the home I lived in throughout my teen years.  We were able to see my brother this holiday season, our first time seeing him since his move to Thailand last August.  And I can't forget seeing The Who with my dad (one of his all times faves) and the Jonas Brothers with Jen on back-to-back weekends this fall.

Here's a visual look back at our 2019 adventures! (The second song was per Cole's request, as it's one of his favorites right now.)

And in case you're interested in previous recaps, you can check them out here: 201820172016, 2015, 2014, 20132012201120102009.

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