Sunday, December 23, 2012

Trip to the Yak

Last week, Corey and I took Friday off and had decided to head to Yakima since it'd been months since we'd been there. 

J had fun with his grandparents, loved watching Elmo, doing his colorful fish puzzle, playing with all his Yakima toys and going out to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant (El Porton).  He also enjoyed lots of holiday cookies at his great grandma's house.  And another notable was his love of running to hug (and ultimately) tackle grandpa --- something they even did on the floor of Wal-Mart.  Lovely.

Jackson witnessed and experienced his first snowfall of the year there and loved "catching" snowflakes in his mouth (as you can see here).  The good news is that we just got a taste of the snow that eventually came the afternoon after we left.  Yakima got 8+" that day and the pass was closed for hours.  We made it home in the nick of time.

It's always nice to spend time in Yakima - everything just feels more calm and we are able to get in much needed rest and relaxation.

Enjoying what was probably cookie #5 at great grandma's.

Not sure who liked Elmo more...

Grandma and grandpa have all kinds of fun toys at their house.

No caption needed.

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