Sunday, December 2, 2012

Trinity Tree Farm

With no rain falling this morning, we headed back out to Trinity Tree Farm (same place in Issaquah that we got our pumpkin in October) to pick out our first real tree.  (Corey and I both had real Christmas trees growing up, but the convenience of a fake tree won out when we were in our condo. With this being the first Christmas in our house, we decided to try out a real tree.  I'm not going to lie though - while I love the look and smell of a real tree, it's definitely much more work and is way more expensive than a fake tree.  We'll see how long the real tree tradition lasts in this house!)

Trinity wasn't crowded at all and we had fun picking our tree out, and wandering around the property.  Jackson especially liked the rocks (sounds like our pumpkin trip all over again) and the bonfire they had going.

J and I ran some errands this afternoon and when we got home, Corey had set the tree up with all the lights in the living room and it looks great!  Still need to put the decorations on it, but we'll save that for another day.

We were excited to get our tree up since Jackson has been absolutely loving all the Christmas lights up on the houses around town. In fact, he sounded as though he was about to hyperventilate on our way home from daycare on Friday driving past all the lights in our neighborhood. That said, we thought he'd be in heaven being able to see all the lights on the tree in our house. So far though, he isn't too impressed. He was way more excited about helping me organize ribbon and taking it and out of the jar it belongs in. Interesting. This kid certainly keeps us on our toes.

A few pics from our morning at the tree farm, and of the final product.


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