Thursday, December 13, 2012

Life Lately

Lots of new words being learned and said around our house these days, and I love it!  I hear at least one (and most days several more) new word out of J's mouth every day.

A new word over the last week or so is "garbage".  He likes to help throw things away and the I recently gave him little bits of each veggie from a veggie platter.  He stuck a piece of carrot in his mouth and promptly spit it out, saying "garbage!" and the walked over and tossed it in the garbage can.  Smart kid.

Another funny word is "heavy".  He must have gotten it from us always telling him that he's heavy when he insists that we carry him around at times.  Now he says it when we pick him up, or if he's trying to get us up.  When he wants me to stand up to do something, I ask him to help me up so as he's pulling, he'll say "heavy".  Thanks, son.

His most common word over the last couple weeks has been "LIGHTS", which he says many times every time we're in the car or looking outside as he spots houses with Christmas lights. I have to get it on video because he says it in such a funny way ("whites" with a lisp, but also with a deep voice). 

He continues to say "oh my" at all the right times (he drops something, spills something, is impressed by something, etc).  It's so cute.

Jackson absolutely LOVES watching Elmo.  He's only ever really known Elmo from his diapers.  And until a few weeks ago, he had absolutely no interest in TV...that is until we put on Sesame Street for the first time. Ever since then, he asks to watch Elmo multiple times per day.  I typically put it on when I'm making dinner now and he happily watches while transferring all his books from the shelf to the couch so he can read while watching.  We started DVR'ing Sesame Street every day, but he gets upset if there's not enough focus on Elmo, so we just ordered "The Best of Elmo's World" DVD three-pack.  Sounds like a winner to me.

Watching Elmo with his Elmo slippers, while reading every book he can get his hands on.  All just part of a hard day's work.

Bathing in his Elmo bubbles.

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