Friday, March 17, 2017

Potty Time!

I'm thrilled to say that between a new big boy room and wearing undies, Cole is officially a BIG boy!

At school, they have the kiddos try to potty with each diaper change. He would occasionally go on toilet but didn't have a ton of interest there or at home.  Shortly before his birthday, his teacher told us he was ready to start really potty training so he and I went shopping and picked out some big boy undies. 

Then, in early February, we spent a weekend potty training.  I tried having him sit, since that's how Jackson preferred it, but after a few failed attempts, he finally told me he wanted to stand and immediately went for his first time that way.  And like with Jackson, he would get 1 skittle/M&M/jelly bean for trying to go, 2 for potty and 3 for pooping. 

The first day, he had three potty accidents, then two the second day and then went to school in undies that Monday and shockingly had no accidents.  They do a great job of having the kiddos try frequently throughout the day (I had to laugh after seeing his daily report on day #1 - he tried about 12 times!).

While he hasn't had an accident at school or at home since that first weekend, he did have two accidents in Whistler.  He's always stood on a stool to go, but when we out and about there, we would have to hold him up in public restrooms so he was at the right level and he just couldn't make himself go in that position, which eventually led to accidents.

We still do pull-ups for nap (though he hasn't needed them) and at night.  He was never dry at night leading up to potty training, but since then, he's been dry about 50% of the time in the morning.  So, definitely still a work in progress there.

I was really dreading potty training with him, since he definitely doesn't have the camel bladder J does, but it's been a relatively quick and easy process.  Like with J, I think the key for him was waiting until he was fully ready and going full speed ahead at that point. 

So proud of all his hard work and the progress he made in such a short time period.  Can't believe I officially have NO babies at home!

Undie shopping! 

I'm quite sure I've never done laundry like this, so I'm not sure where he learned it...

Oh the things we do to support potty training.  But, I can't complain too much, since he helped clean the house!

Great form! (And some day, I know he'll hate for posting these pics, but I just can't get enough of that cute, non-diaper, bootie!)

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