Thursday, May 4, 2017


Jackson recently turned SIX...say what?!  I can't believe I blinked and my baby turned six.

He had a wonderful couple weekends celebrating his birthday.  It began on Easter with Gramma Joan, Grandpa Kent and Gramma Linda.  After our egg hunt, we had a yummy brunch and dessert to kick-off his numerous celebrations.

The following weekend, Gramma Joan took him to a fun pasta cooking class and then he had another party at Kidz Bounce which went well and he had a blast.  He was incredibly spoiled by his friends and classmates.

Cole LOVED running after the big boys.

Cole was having so much fun, he didn't realize the party was over and that everyone had left.

The following day, Corey, Jackson and I headed to Salish for Jackson's annual birthday breakfast and as expected, he ate his weight in course after course of delicious food.  Then, as a surprise after brunch, Corey and I took Jackson to see Luzia, a Cirque du Soleil show, which he loved.  He especially liked the juggler and the contortionist.

This year's waterfall pic is on top.  Our first year (2015) of brunch/waterfall viewing is on the bottom.

To wrap up his birthday week, Corey and I joined in on his class Birthday Circle, which was great.  He had been looking so forward to that, and he enjoyed every moment in the spotlight.

After birthday circle, the kiddos snacked on Top Pot donuts - birthday boy's choice!

Jackson is just such a great kid.  He is so sweet, kind and loving.  He continues to love school, and amazes us with how quickly he's learning and picking up new things.  He loves math - he can add, subtract and even multiple or divide.  He's a great reader and has moved well into chapter books, with favorites being Jack & Annie books, and most recently the Stink series. He enjoys soccer and gymnastics (which he's taking through his after school program), and has become a good little swimmer in recent months.  He's getting excited about summer camp (and the many field trips that come with it!) which he'll be taking through the Issaquah School District, as we prepare for him to attend Creekside next year.

We are so lucky to be his parents, and so very proud of him and all he's accomplished. Can't wait to see what his 7th year brings!

(BTW, I'm so far behind on the blog it's not even funny but thinking about all the things I needed to catch up on overwhelmed me, so I'm starting here and hope to get myself back into blogging every few weeks.)

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