Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Year in Review

It's almost a wrap on another fun, crazy and memorable year.

Cole turned 1 in January and reached many milestones throughout the year, including his first haircutwalking, no more bottles, talking, and letting his silly personality shine, which is always good for a laugh.  Beginning next month, Cole will transition to the early preschool class a few months early.

Jackson turned 4 in April and has continued to impress us with how quickly he learns and eagerness and excitement about it. He's adding and subtracting, telling time on analog clocks and reading beginning reader books.  He's loved continuing to attend mini break dance classes periodically throughout the year, and he attended his first Mariner's game with Corey, Alex and Wyatt.  He'll start kindergarten next year (what?!).

The boys took swimming lessons last winter and soccer this fall. We're looking forward to picking swimming back up in a few weeks.

We took several trips including an adults weekend away in Vegas with the Reeders; a family trip to Chelan with my parents, grandma and Joan; a trip to Seabrook with the Shawvers; and several trips to Yakima.  I enjoyed a girls' weekend away with Kelsey and Sara in Denver to visit Gina, and an overnight trip to the casino/outlets with my mom.  We spent time outdoors on a few hikes and Corey and my dad took Jackson on his first camping trip.

The boys changed schools at the beginning of September, moving to a Montessori school just a few minutes from home and though we worried about how it would go, the actual transition to the new school went really well.  Both boys are doing great, and we're loving the new school and all the opportunities and activities it provides for the boys. 

We determined Cole is allergic to nuts back in June and we had a bit of scare in September, when some breathing difficulties landed him in the hospital for a few days, but we're happy to report he's doing great and is has been as healthy as a 1-year old in daycare can be (read: he's had a few colds, pink eye, and hand, foot & mouth in the last few months).

We enjoyed out-of-state visitors, including Grampa Curtis, Great Aunt Karen (all the way from The Netherlands!), and the Gordens. 

And 2015 included lots of other fun and memorable moments like time spent outside enjoying our amazing summer, riding bikes/scooters/cars; park trips; play dates with friends; splash pad fun; numerous games/puzzles; lots of dancing/songs/singing; froyo runs; and enjoying local attractions (Remlinger, Fox Hollow, Cougar Mountain Zoo). 

While we're all ready to ring in 2016 and see what the new year holds for our little fam, I wanted to spend a few minutes looking back all of our fun in 2015 with photos from throughout the year.


Previous Year in Reviews: 2014, 2013, 2012, 20112010, 2009

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