Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas 2015

We had a great time celebrating Christmas (several times!) this past weekend.

Festivities kicked off on Christmas Eve, with time at home together, followed by Joan and Elliott arriving for gifts and dinner (which they provided, leaving me responsible for nothing...they seriously spoiled me!).  The boys enjoyed opening their first round of gifts and stockings (as did we), and we enjoyed the delicious pizza Elliott made.

Jackson was so excited to leave snacks out for Santa (sugar cookies and milk) and the reindeer (crackers, baby carrots and water). Santa loved the cookies, and the reindeer enjoyed their snack but made quite a mess.

(Not sure why Santa is spelled with a's not like Jackson doesn't ever write the letter S, considering it's in his name and he normally writes it properly!)

Santa came!

It was so much fun to watch Jackson open all his gifts from Santa and us. and to see Cole so excited not only about opening his gifts but also seeing what was inside.  He couldn't wait to play with things as he opened them.  

At one point, as we were just about done opening presents, Jackson turned to me and said "This is the best Christmas EVER! I love all my gifts!"  They spent a lot of time that day going from toy to toy playing together and solo.  

Cole loves his digger books.

Santa brought Cole a scooter, which he was excited about until...

We tried to make him wear a helmet.

That afternoon, my family arrived for round #3 and we were all completely spoiled.  Jackson has especially loved his Monopoly Jr. game, and Cole was so excited to open a "GAR-BAGE truck" full of legos and both boys have had a blast with a glow-in-the-dark race track from Scott and Anya.

Joan and Elliott joined us all for dinner (again, dinner was provided (by my mom this time)!) and we had a nice evening catching up.

The following day, Cole helped make coffee cake for breakfast, which neither boy would try (not sure how they could pass anything with the word "cake" in it up).  Then the boys enjoyed more play time and bathing with their new bath toys and paint.

Another Christmas in the books - can't believe it's come and gone so quickly, but we had a wonderful time and are looking forward to lots of family time this week.

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