Monday, March 2, 2015

This and That

Had to share a few funny things happening in our world lately...enjoy:
  • Jackson came home from school today and told me that St. Patrick's Day was on March 17 and that "we need to wear green so we don't get punched".  (He'd mis-heard "pinched".)
  • Cole very much uses "dada" properly these days and at times, seems to have a preference for him.  So cute to see, especially since J was a total mama's boy, often crying when I left the room.  Cole on the other hand could care less if I leave the room.  The boys and I were playing in the TV room with the door shut tonight and I heard the garage door open when Corey got home. I announced "daddy's home!".  Cole quickly crawled to the doors and smashed his face up against them to get the first peek of his daddy - but when daddy didn't immediately appear, Cole began crying and screaming, "dada! dada!"
  • Jackson knows (and often reminds us) that when he turns 16, he gets to drive. In the car the other day, he said, "I'm excited to drive - it'll be fun because you get to steer and push buttons".  Only ~12 more years until you can steer and push those buttons, buddy!
  • Cole started saying "Ra-Ra" for Roxy - he will point at her and say it whenever she enters the room, or when you ask where she is.  It's extra cute, because J used to call her "Ra".  
  • Coley also says "Uh oh" now and says it appropriately, often with a palms-up ("where'd it go"/"what happened") hand gesture.
  • J's been even more cuddly and sweet lately, giving Cole lots of hugs, and the both of us hugs frequently. He'll often even, out of the blue, say, "Mommy, I really love you."  And he used to often turn his face when I'd go in for a kiss so that I'd get just his cheek, but lately, when I ask for a kiss before bed, he gives me a very gentle kiss on the lips.
And what good is a blog post if I don't leave you with any photos/videos?!

This is what independent eating looks like (i.e. won't let mommy fed him, but still really wanted to eat what was in the bowl).  And this is also what a 1-year old eating soup on his own looks like. That blob just above his nose is spinach. 

#independenteatingcontinued #itwasn'tsupposedtobebathnight


Seriously - never knew a box could be SO fun. (And a diaper box nonetheless.)

This kid's getting pretty dang good at his scooter - balancing, turning and stopping.  Scooter videos to come soon, along with some bike videos (also something he's doing great with).

Don't mind the wedgie picking at the beginning.

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