Tuesday, March 17, 2015

(Almost) Walking!

Cole's been taking steps between us and furniture for awhile now but a few weeks ago, his teachers were excited to show me his improved walking skills when I arrived at school to pick him up. They had me stand across the room and then stood him up, had him start walking while they held on very lightly to the back of his shirt, and then let go while he (very excitedly) continued to walk all the way to me.

Since then, he's done this quite a few times, but we are never quick enough to capture video before he loses his confidence and reverts quickly to crawling/scooting.  He doesn't seem to mind walking just holding onto one of our fingers - he'll walk all over like that.  He really just doesn't like when we let of his hand or shirt, so we have to be sneaky about letting go. 

We finally captured some walking on his own tonight.  Check it out!

(Side note: Cole is really starting to understand what we are saying, and follow simple directions.  The motivation to walk here was in response to me asking him to take the things in his hands to Daddy.)

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