Monday, March 23, 2015

Cole's on the Move!

Cole is officially a walker!  Up until last Thursday, he'd take steps and walk between us/things often, but he definitely preferred scooting/crawling to walking. 

Thursday night, he kept wanting to go into the guest bathroom to stand on the stool so Jackson and I kept moving him further and further away, and having him walk back over to it.  We did this until we were all the way at the back door, and he was walking all the way to the front of the house, where the guest bathroom is.

From that point on, he's been walking all over the place. He even seems pretty steady and has decent balance. I joke that he was waiting to start doing it until he'd perfected it.

He did lots of walking at school on Friday and they even mentioned that he seemed extra happy with his new view point.  Along with his walking, he's started to become a better climber, finding it possible to climb up on the couch and into his Stokke chair...he's keeping us even more on our toes than ever before.

(He LOVES the necklace you see him wearing here...he seeks it out and then puts it on himself.  Thanks, Natalie!)

And Cole's on the move in other ways. One of the things he loves to do is to climb up the ladder on the slide, slide down and repeat. 

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