Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Life Lately

Nothing too crazy going on around here, but definitely lots of cuteness.  Both boys are growing, changing and learning so much so frequently, I sometimes feel like I blink, I'll miss something.

Jackson continues to be extremely perceptive and picks up new phrases almost daily, using them the right context.  Case in point...the kid is a negotiator and we often find ourselves making deals with him ("you can have five more minutes of your show, if you try to go potty" for example).  I guess when we do that, we often say, "Here's the deal".  The other night, Corey had tucked Jackson in and was about to leave his room and they were negotiating whether his door would be open or shut, when Jackson said, "Okay, here's the deal, Dad..."

He remembers everything - the date, that Friday's are sharing days which means we need to pack up something to take on Thursday night, promises we've made or details we've given him days and sometimes weeks before, the weather forecast for the week. It's really amazing to me, because I just don't have that kind of memory - I have to write everything down.  He is often reminding me about things he knows I need to do/remember.  Love it!

He continues to love his bike and scooter and is doing so well on both of them.  Other favorite past times are going to the park, watching Busy Town Mysteries episodes, puzzles, and helping me cook.

Cole's in a bit of a transition phase. He knows how to drink out of a sippy but just doesn't do it much. He still prefers a bottle, and wants us to hold it for him when he drinks. So, to ensure that he's getting enough (12-16 oz./day), we give him a bottle when he wakes up and before he goes to bed, using sippy cups in between.  So though he does well with food during the day, he doesn't get much milk and in turn becomes a bit hangry.  Between that and his one nap a day, he's pretty tired and often fussy when we get home.  He still likes most foods though and can pack away a surprising amount - the other morning, he ate an entire oatmeal packet plus some fruit (right after drinking a 6-oz bottle no less), and tonight, he had a bowl of soup and almost half of a PB&J plus some puffs, crackers and cheese.

He loves doing big boy things like going to the park and doing all the things Jackson does there, and doesn't seem to have many fears. He is pretty close to walking, and I think we have his first official word - "hi".  He's been saying "dada" for awhile but only sometimes it's in the right context.  The other day though, he held a phone up to his ear, and very clearly said "hi!".  A few minutes later he did the same thing but we haven't been able to hear it anymore.

Here are a few photos and videos of our life lately.

J's latest haircut might be the shortest he's ever gone, and I sure love not having to wet, brush and gel the crazy bed head each morning!

J thought my sit-up video looked so fun, he had to try it himself.  Hardly!

This is how Cole spent most of the forth quarter of the Super Bowl.  

In a matter of weeks, J made vast improvements with his coloring (and staying in the lines).

My new trick to keep Cole in one place for longer than 10 seconds - give him lots of puffs and a sippy of milk.  I prepped dinners for the week and made up a salad to take for lunches this week, all while he sat and quietly ate for a good 15-20 mins over the weekend.

Jackson brought this home last week and after asking him what it was (since it didn't seem to go with the "L" theme for the week), I learned that that "It's an Inuit, Mommy!"  Why yes, it sure is.

These two are playing together and sharing more every day and I love every second.

Signing Valentine's Day cards for his class is hard work and takes lots of determination.

While not practical, I couldn't pass up these cute skinny/hipster jeans the last time I went shopping.  Never mind the fact that Cole walks funny in them and can't bend his legs as much as he'd like in order to scoot.  Sometimes, fashion wins.

Cole's getting pretty close to walking, and loves holding one of our hands and exploring.  

After a scary experience on this slide a year ago or so (a wet slide plus slick jogging pants made him literally shoot off the slide), J asked to go on it again over the weekend and had a great time.

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