Saturday, January 31, 2015

Cole's Moving On Up

It was a big week for Cole - in addition to his 1st birthday, he transitioned from the infant room to the first toddler room at daycare!

The transition began on Monday for both him and another boy who just had his first birthday. Each day, they visited the toddler room, staying longer each day, until yesterday, which was their first full day in that room.  With the transition means just one nap around 11:30 and no bottles, so I was a little nervous how it would go, considering he's not fully transitioned off the bottle, and he's been taking two naps per day.

We received great reports each day though, and he seems to really like the new class. The first day, his favorite teacher from the infant room told me she'd gone in to check on him and he was having so much that he didn't even notice her.  Other reports from the week included, "He loved crawling around and playing with stuffed animals", "Cole had a great time in the gym today. He was crawling around trying to catch and push balls with his friends.", "Great job with markers today, I was surprised how comfortable Cole was with them.", and "Cole had fun with puppets today."

Thursday and Friday were the first days he had lunch and napped in the new class, and they said he went to sleep easily, slept over two hours and was one of the last to wake up.  He loved lunch yesterday, eating all of his pizza and green beans.

With the new nap schedule, he's been ready for bed a little earlier each night, but other than that, he's seems to be handling all these changes well.  He was obviously very busy, and enjoyed new activities and playing with new friends.  I'm so glad it's gone so smoothly!

In the month leading up to their transition into the next class, the infant room deems the transitioning kiddos "The Bosses".  

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