Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday, Cole!

Happy 1st birthday to our "baby", Cole!  It's hard to believe it's been a year since my crazy quick labor, but it has and we couldn't imagine life without Cole.  He brings so much laughter and fun to our house, as well as loudness, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

While Cole has idolized J since day 1, every week that passes brings them closer together and interacting more and more.  It melts my heart every time...it's just amazing.  I can't wait to see them play more together in the next year, especially as Cole starts walking and talking.

Cole had a great day - it started off with him sleeping past his normal 6:10 or 6:15 wake-up. We actually had to wake him at 6:30 to get ready.  And because it's Tuesday, he and Jackson were able to watch the garbage man do his thing, which came with lots of waving, pointing and clapping from Cole.  We sang him Happy Birthday, and he enjoyed a good breakfast before heading to school.  I picked the boys up early for Cole's 1-year check-up, where he was deemed "perfect", before we headed off to Red Robin for his birthday dinner (J's choice).

After a good dinner of tidbits form all of us, we headed home for birthday calls with the grandparents, opening a few presents - a play cell phone and a ride on airplane (which boy boys love) - and cake and ice cream.  It was my night for doing Cole's bedtime and after a few quick books and a bottle, he was all tuckered out, so I was able to take advantage of some extra sleepy snuggles.

Here are his 1-year stats:
  • Weight: 23 lbs, 3 oz. (75-90%)
  • Height: 31" (90%)
  • Head: 18.3" (50-75%)
  • His iron levels came back normal and he handled his three big shots like a champ with just a few tears.
And a few things about Coley at 1-year:
  • Continues to babble and repeats some sounds - "dada" is his favorite (and while he uses it frequently, he does seem to use it appropriately at times, like when it seems like he's looking for Corey), "mama", "meow", "woof", and what I swear sounds like "all done" when he's all done eating (though I know it's highly likely it's just a coincidence).
  • Continues to point at everything and babbles as he does it, as if to ask "what's that?!"
  • Pulls up to a stand against anything and everything, and does it so quickly
  • Scoots even faster
  • Continues to furniture surf and attempt steps between furniture and between us
  • Claps, waves, high 5s, and blows kisses
  • Shares - hands you something, accepts it back and repeats
  • Shakes his head "no" at appropriate times (no more food, etc.)
  • Seems to understand "no" - sometimes he doesn't listen, but he always pauses and looks at you as he considers his next move.  And there have been a few times that he's tried to open a cupboard I didn't want him to so I told him "no no" and then he shut it.  After a minute, he tried again, and we repeated the cycle successfully.
  • We've started transitioning over to milk and hope to be full transitioned by the end of the week.  Once that's complete, we'll start to wean off the bottle, and only use sippy cups.
  • Loves stuffed animals. He has a shelf in his room with lots of them, and during most feedings, he has to take a break and wants us to take him over to check them out, often grabbing one to bring back to the chair. Once he grabs one, he gives it a big hug.  Cutest. Thing. Ever.
  • After a day or two of not loving shoes the first few times we put them on, he's become a shoe lover, like everyone else in the family.  He often scoots over to them, grabs a pair and brings them over to one of us to put them on him.
Oh how I love this kiddo!

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