Monday, December 8, 2014

Maui Getaway

Over the weekend, we returned from a fun getaway to Maui with the Shawver family.  We left Seattle last Sunday, where temps were in the low 20s (even had to be de-iced before we took off) and arrived to warm tropical breezes.

While we were a bit nervous about how Cole would do on the flight considering he's the squirmiest babe I've ever met, he and Jackson both did well.  He had just a few very brief fussy periods both directions (mostly when ready to nap), and the last hour was a bit tiring for us parents as the wiggles came out in full force and Jackson started to get bored.  Snacks, lots of toys/books, toddler activities, apps and photos on our phone were able to keep them both happy for the most part, though.  Cole took two 30-minute nappers on the way there, and a nice 90-minuter on the way back.  

Like last summer, we stayed in the Fairmont Villas, which worked out perfectly with 3-bedrooms, 2-bathrooms, living room, and full kitchen.

The kiddos were all pretty tired by the time we arrived and settled in on Sunday, so after a quick dinner at Cheeseburger Island Style, it was back to the Fairmont for bedtime.  With its two twin beds, Addy and Jackson shared the third bedroom, which they loved.  The only issue was the big disagreement on the first night when Jackson wanted the bedroom door to stay open, and Addy wanted the door to be shut, so that it was nice and dark so she could sleep.  Neither one would back down and after a good 20 minutes of trying to negotiate, we settled on shutting the door, promising to come check on Jackson later, at which point we opened the door a crack.  This was the process we followed every night thereafter and it worked well.

The days consisted of trips to the beach, the main hotel pool and then lots of time in the small pool at our villa.  Cole enjoyed playing in the sand, putting it on his head and trying to eat it (and even rubbed it into his eyes one day), but wasn't a fan of the ocean - he cried every time I tried to get his feet wet.  He did enjoy the villa pool, though.  Thankfully Jackson loved the beach and ocean - after our trip to California last fall, when he was scared of the waves after a small sneaker wave got our feet wet.  

The main pool has a water slide that Jackson wanted to go on.  He tried it out the first day and because you had to go alone, I went first so I could catch him at the bottom. Little did I know until watching him come down - kids really fly down the slide. He shot right off the end and right under water, which scared him a bit.  Needless to say, he didn't make any more trips down the slide.

Most nights we went out for dinner and destinations included Star Noodle (a fave from our last trip), Ko (at the hotel), and Maui Tacos.  

The mamas were able to sneak away to enjoy an amazing spa day - I had the 'Awa Remedy treatment, which was probably the best of my life.  Before our appointments kicked off, we enjoyed a steam room (I've never sweat so much in my life!) after putting on various lotions, potions and muds, we braved some super chilly shower options that simulated rain showers and storms.  My treatment included a full body exfoliation, a hair mask, a hot shower mid-treatment to rinse everything off and then a massage.  My skin and hair have never felt so soft - seriously felt like butter!  

For their outing, the boys enjoyed Thursday Night Football at a local sports bar.  Jen and I had a good handle on the four  kiddos until after dinner when we took them for ice cream.  Jackson, who recently started to test boundaries, began not listening to anything I said and was acting very unlike himself purposely doing things he knew were wrong.  The night ended with him throwing a tantrum when Addy got the first turn sitting on a horse statue, where he laid on the pavement screaming his head off, and with me in tears. The dads returned shortly after the kiddos were in bed, with ice cream in hand (thank goodness), and let Jen and I take off for dinner of our own.

Our big family outing of the week was to the Maui Ocean Center. With a shark feeding, underwater tunnel and HUGE gift shop (where Jackson spent the majority of his time and many dollars), it was a decent way to spend the morning.

Overall, the kids played together really well, and Cole loved having so many big kids there to try to follow around.  Addy and Jackson enjoyed quiet time each afternoon together (they're both mostly out of the nap phase unfortunately) while the littles napped.  And while Cole was the best eater of the kids by far, he was the worst sleeper - he didn't last a single full night in the crib the hotel provided.  

Most evenings, after the kiddos went down, cocktail hour commenced for us parents, along with a game of Hand and Foot.  The girls killed the boys (or maybe that was just the final winner-takes-all round the last night).

As can be expected, the week flew by and we were back the airport before we knew it.  After returning  late on Saturday night and brief naps in the car on the way home, both boys slept in until 8:45 on Sunday - thank goodness.  We needed some extra sleep after the lack of sleep we had on the trip!  

Had such a fun week and really enjoyed our time with the Shawver fam.  Here's to lots more family trips in the future!

Looks like a lot, but really considering that this includes the four car seats/boosters that we brought along, this isn't too bad for four adults and four kids for 7 days!

"Aloha!" Jackson loved the treats that were waiting for us when we arrived - the self-serve water and lei.

Cole was silent throughout our entire Star Noodle meal - he was busy quickly shoving any food placed within arms' reach into his mouth. 

Henry & Addy are so cute together - they held hands, cuddled, and often sat right next to each other.

Starting this one early too - already can't get enough of his gadgets.

One of the mini horse statues - the one just across from this is the one that led to Jackson's meltdown.

Jen wanted a family picture and when that wasn't successful, we all decided this was the next best thing - a pic by herself with the torch lighter!

Love my Hawaiian outfitted boys!

Nope, definitely not a fan of the ocean.

Pointing was a new trick Cole leveraged often.

Speaking of tricks, here's another trick Cole perfected while on vacation.

"Excuse me...which way to the luau?"

While I think Cole enjoyed his time in Maui, he seemed pretty excited to be back in the cold weather. This was taken outside SeaTac, waiting for Corey and Jackson to bring the car around.

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