Thursday, November 27, 2014

10 Months

Coley is 10 months old today!  I guess I better start thinking about first birthday planning - it'll be here before we know it!

Here are 10 things about our man as he welcomes in his 10th month:

  • His eight tooth appeared this week!  After 1.5 teething kiddos (Jackson + 1/2 of Cole, since only half of his teeth are in at this point), we are finally able to very accurately predict the arrival of new teeth.
  • His scooting has gotten even faster and he travels from room to room at lightening speeds.
  • He's loud and is extremely curious - we're predicting he'll be our rambunctious, rowdy, and potentially rule-breaking kiddo. (Troublemaker? Climber?  Who knows!)
  • He's finally moved past "da-da-da" sounds and I heard some "ma-ma-ma" sounds while he was rolling around in his crib this morning!
  • He recently started pulling himself to a stand and already knows how to sit himself back down.  He has also started standing in his crib - he'll do this in the morning at the foot of his crib and loves to greet us with big toothy grins when we come in.
  • He's finally figured out how to lay back down after sitting up in his crib...even though sometimes it means he sleeps folded in half (it looks horribly uncomfortable).
  • His favorite hobbies are playing  with Jackson's cleaning set (something about scrubbing floors and swinging a map or swiffer around is really fun) or an old pinwheel, looking at books, chasing after Roxy and/or her toys.
  • Loves driving one of the ride-on cars we keep in the house and get upset when you stop pushing him. He's even figured out how to make himself go on the battery operated one.
  • While he likes pureed baby food with pumpkin in it, we learned today that he much prefers Brussels sprouts to pumpkin pie. He eagerly opened wide for some bites of pie, but promptly spit them out.  Apparently he has his Daddy's taste when it comes to pumpkin pie.
  • Enjoys looking out the windows that are within his reach, and knocking on them to get our attention when we're on the other side.
Looking forward to the next month with this cutie - it'll bring his first trip (we head to Maui on Sunday!), his first visit with Santa Clause and his first Christmas.  

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