Saturday, December 27, 2014

11 Months

Cole's 11 months today!  Here are a few things about our babe at 11 months:

  • Will (occasionally) repeat some sounds - "da da", "ma ma" (only heard once or twice) and "no no" (heard for the first time today)
  • Still LOVES playing with his cleaning set - after opening his new toys on Christmas, he'd play with them for a bit, and then head right back to his cleaning set. 
  • Pulls up to a stand often, and can easily get/sit back down.  He's even known to stand and just lean against the furniture/object he's pulled up on so that he can use both his hands to play (or more often chew on whatever he's holding), or will stand and just hold on with one hand. Today he even took 1-2 steps away from the ottoman he had pulled up on, over to my arms.
  • Loves bath time.  On bath nights, he hears the water start and quickly scoots in, no matter what he's been doing prior, and pulls up on the tub to check things out.
  • Has been a great sleeper this month - falls asleep almost immediately after we leave the room around 7:15 or 7:30, and we don't hear from him until after 6.  These last few days, he's slept until 6:40 or 7 (and J has slept until after 8!).  On the rare occasions he does wake up over night, he typically just sits up and cries for a minute or two, finds a bink, and then flops back down and goes back to sleep.
  • When he wakes up in the morning, or from a nap, he often throws most of his (6) pacifiers out of his crib, right in front of the door.
  • Is still extremely squirmy and is very hard to change in/out of clothes or to change his diaper. Changes often require multiple toys/objects to distract him, along with tickles, funny faces and voices, singing, etc.  Quite the workout.
I've officially started the party planning for his first birthday (construction/tool theme, since unfortunately they don't have any housework/house cleaning themed decorations - ha!) and I've started compiling photos and looking for songs to use in his one-year slide show (Jackson's is here).  I can't quite believe that he'll soon no longer be a "baby".

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