Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014

I couldn't let 2014 wrap up without recapping our wonderful time last week celebrating Christmas four - yes FOUR - times!  

Let me just start by saying we have such thoughtful and giving friends and family - we were all completely spoiled this year.  Seriously.

Our several day celebration kicked off Christmas Eve morning at our place with Joan and Elliott.  We do an Elfster gift exchange with Corey's family, so each person draws a name and buys for that person.  So, while they were here, we exchanged our Elfster gifts and the boys opened their presents from Joan and Elliott and then enjoyed brunch.  Jackson enjoyed putting together his puzzles and new 3-in-1 Lego set from Uncle Elliott, and Cole loved his hammering/xylophone toy and ball popper, among many other things.

That evening, we headed over to Joan's for Christmas dinner, along with Consuelo.  There we all exchanged gifts with Consuelo and then everyone opened their stockings (we all buy each other a few stocking goodies).  Joan made us a delicious dinner and eggnog pie for dessert, before we headed home to get ready for Santa.

Before bed, Jackson wrote a note to Santa and put out a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for him to enjoy during his visit, and then a plate of carrots and pears, along with a bowl of water, for the reindeer.  (Can I just say...I had so much fun making it look like Santa and the reindeer had actually been by to enjoy what he'd left out!)

Once the boys woke up, we headed downstairs to open the gifts that we bought the boys and the gifts from Santa.  J loved opening his gifts and "helping" open Cole's (and by helping, I mean completely opening them).  Cole loved watching Jackson and then checking out everything that was opened.  While Jackson loved everything he received, he especially loved Cole's toys.  [Side note: while I received all kinds of wonderful gifts from everyone, my favorite item was the house cleaning service that Corey signed us up for!  I'd been wanting to do it for awhile since, with two kiddos and a full time job, cleaning takes a very low priority these days (i.e. not much gets done on a weekly basis), but having a messy house or having to clean the critical things (bathrooms) late at night when I'm exhausted drives me nuts.  Well, the first cleaning appointment was today and It. Was. AMAZING!  The entire house is spotless, smells nice and looks so good (way better than it ever does when I'm done). And having the whole house done at once is another huge benefit - when I clean, I do bits and pieces as I have time, so the entire house isn't fully clean at any given time.  We're currently planing to have them come every other week, and I am SO excited to not have to worry about cleaning much. (I'll just do some light cleaning as needed in between their visits.)  Thank you, thank you, thank you to my hubby!]

Later that morning, my parents, grandma and Scott & Anya came over to celebrate Christmas #4.  We all exchanged gifts and given the amount of people and gifts, our living room quickly turned into chaos.  Jackson was opening gifts left and right, and I had no idea who had given him what, or what he'd opened.  He sure had a blast, though.  

That day wrapped up with Joan and Elliott joining us for dinner and dessert here at our, before everyone headed home.

Every year, the holidays get more and more fun as J gets more into them and more excited about everything that comes with them.  I look so forward to them and the traditions we've started and can't wait for Cole to join in more in the years to come.

Corey and Consuelo, trying on the crowns that came in the crackers that Joan gives everyone each Christmas.

Hard at work on signing his name on (and using lots of tape to secure) his note to Santa.

Having a good heart to heart about the weather...something they're both obsessed with.  My parents even bought J his own little weather station - he can tell you the indoor and outdoor temp at any time.

Cole loved the washer at Gramma Joan's...J used to love watching it as well.  Must run in the family.

J loved the bike he received from my parents and while he had some trouble figuring out the pedals the first day (he kept accidentally putting the breaks on), he quickly figured it out the next trip out, and loves cruising around the neighborhood.  

If it makes noise, Cole loves it.

While this may be one of the first times they fought over a toy, I'm SURE it won't be the last...

Cole sharing his train with J, and taking him for a spin.

Cole enjoyed taking everything in...he sat so still at times (which never happens)!

Love this kiddo!

J received bath paints in his stocking.  After Cole got out of the bath, J continued to play and then told me something was wrong with the red paint and he couldn't get anymore out - that's because it was gone!  I knew the paint wouldn't last forever, but I certainly thought it would last longer than one bath!

Cole often makes this impressed/wowed/amazed face and he has this expression in nearly all of the Christmas photos Corey captured...he must have really enjoyed the festivities.

J received a few new puzzles, which he promptly put together.

And J loved his new big boy Lego set.  I think Corey may have enjoyed it almost as much J...

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