Monday, October 28, 2013

Pumpkin Patch 2013

With our recent busy weekends, I wasn't sure we'd be able to squeeze in trip to the pumpkin patch this year, but when we woke up on Saturday to no rain, Jackson and I decided an impromptu trip to Trinity Tree Farm was in order on our way to swimming (Corey had prior brunch plans so it was just my mini munchkin and I).
We'd had fun last year at Trinity, but I was hoping J would enjoy the experience more this year, now that he understands everything a little more.
He loved being able to pick out the pumpkins, and even liked helping push the wheel barrow (though only when it was empty - ha!).  He was still impressed by the rocks (see last year's post), and was eager to try out the "choo choo train", which we didn't have a chance to do last year.  He even asked about the bouncy house and slide, which surprised me after being very opposed to them at Fox Hollow Farm a few months ago, but we were running out of time before having to be at swimming.  Next time!

Yep, those rocks are almost as cool as the pumpkins.

Doesn't look like it, but he was very excited about the train, and getting to sit in the blue car.

Corey and Jackson carved one of the pumpkins last night, which was a first for Jackson.  He wasn't a huge fan of the slimy mess, but helped about as much as we expected.

Don't mind the uncarved, tipped over pumpkin in the back - oops.
We are looking forward to Halloween, and seeing Jackson dressed as a parrot!

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