Thursday, November 7, 2013

Happy (Belated) Halloween!

Clearly I'm a bit behind, but I figured it was better late than never to post about our Halloween, even though it feels like eons ago.

All in all, we had a great time. Jackson wore his costume (including the hat, which we were shocked about given how much he hates things on his head) during the fall festival at school and again for a few minutes at home while trick-or-treating. (Perhaps telling him that he had to wear the full costume in order to get candy helped?)

Leading up to Halloween, we'd practice saying "trick-or-treat" and saying "thank you", but he needed some reminding at each of the four houses we made it to. He definitely understood the concept much more than last year though, and was a lot less shy. After the fourth house, we headed home to enjoy some candy. He also enjoyed opening the door for the many trick-or-treaters we got.

Corey picked up gobs of candy this year, after we ran out last year in an hour with 100+ visitors, so we were much more prepared this year, but we just didn't see nearly as many trick-or-treaters as we expected.

Jackson, who enjoys desserts and sweets as much as his mama, has thoroughly enjoyed snacking on a bit of candy each day. The day after Halloween, he had to have a piece after breakfast, but luckily that hasn't become a habit (he's definitely learning the concept of a "special treat").

Holidays just get more and more fun the older he gets - I look forward to them even more now than I used to!


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