Sunday, October 27, 2013

So Cal Getaway

Last weekend, we headed to Newport Beach for our last weekend getaway before Baby #2 arrives.  We went with my parents and grandma, and met Corey's mom down there (she went a few days early to visit a friend).  We were excited for the time with family, to celebrate Joan's birthday, and to see Elliott and my aunt and uncle, who all live in the area.

We stayed with my parents and Joan in a villa at the Resort at Pelican Hill and it was amazing - highly recommended.  It was the perfect location for relaxing in the sun (75-80 degrees all four days), hitting up the beach, swimming, and eating lots of yummy meals.  We were even able to hit up a playground run at one of the nearby elementary schools, and I was able to sneak in a few naps in the sun on our deck.    

With the resort located in Newport Beach, we were just minutes from the beach, so we were excited to take J, who hadn't been on a beach since our trip to Hawaii almost two years ago.  He enjoyed digging in the sand, until a few sneaker waves surprised him and got his feet wet.  Oops.

We ate on site a few of the evenings, and at one of the restaurants, Corey spotted Nick Lachey, his wife and son - he has such good eyes. I'd seem them walk in but didn't pay enough attention to notice who it was.  We didn't ask for any autographs or photos, but did enjoy seeing him walk around right near us with his son on his shoulders. 

Our last there, we headed into Irvine for dinner at my aunt and uncle's and had a great time catching up.  J most enjoyed dancing for everyone, and throwing leaves in their pool (sorry, Gene!).

Jackson did great on both plane trips, and we were totally spoiled by my parents who sat with him both directions so we could sleep, read and relax.

We arrived back home on Sunday to 30 degree cooler weather, wishing we'd been able to enjoy more time in the sun. The next time we travel to find a beach and some sun, we'll be a family of four!

Sunset on our first night - amazing.

Daddy getting to enjoy swimming with J.

Not sure who was having more fun.
Deep in conversation in the kiddie pool.
Jackson has such great handwriting for a 2 year old (ha!).

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