Tuesday, April 16, 2013


J's been talking up a storm lately.  My parents, who hadn't seen him in five weeks, were SHOCKED at how many more words he'd learned and how much more he was putting sentences together this past weekend.

While I love just about everything he says (even "no like it" about new foods that he decides he doesn't like after no more than a quick lick), my absolute favorites are:

"Have fun!" when I kiss him good night and head out of his room (which is what I say to him before we part ways for school and work)


"Cuddle minute" meaning he wants to cuddle for one more minute (which he's asked for several mornings lately, which I think he got from us saying we wanted one more minute of cuddles in the evening before bed).

Man I seriously love this kid more every day, no matter how many terrible two tantrums we've dealt with.  All the sweet things he says and does more than make up for the rough patches here and there.

Love, love, love him!

Loves to turn the radio on my nightstand on and dance

Jackson's "guys" (i.e. big Elmo, little Elmo, "Snuffie", and "Cookie") don't wander far from him around the house.  I'm just glad we don't have to hold all of these guys, plus three blankets, while reading books at night anymore (we've reduced it to a single blanket...whew!).

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