Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Taurus Tot

In the past, I've not been too into astrological signs but after reading more about Taurus babies, I've a firm believer.  That article (and others that I've read since, including this one) is a SPOT ON definition of our little Taurus.  And, not only does it describe our munchkin 110%, it's helped me understand him a bit more.

When my parents were here over the weekend, we got to discussing J's very strong personality, his love of routine, how he always knows what he wants, when he wants it, and his stubbornness.  At some point, I think it was my dad who mentioned that "I guess that's a Taurus for you", so I looked it up and was shocked at how much I saw him throughout the description.

This article helped me feel more confident and prepared to deal with the challenges he throws our way from time to time, especially these terrible two's tantrums that have erupted lately, and re-affirm that how we've been handling these situations is the along the right path.  He truly is a lovable munchkin and is so very sweet (asks for hugs, pats your arm when saying "sorry", wants to cuddle all the time)...just as long as he's getting his way. :)

The best part about all of this, is that he displayed these traits and characteristics before we could even hold him in our arms.  If you remember, he was breech and we were about to schedule a c-section, only to have him decide he was ready to flip over so that he was head down.  Then, he went past his due date and just as soon as we scheduled an induction, he decided to come on his own two days before that.  And then while I was in labor, after pushing for 2:55 mins (3 hours is typically the max), the doctor went to grab forceps, only for Jackson to come out on his own with the next push.  It's Jackson's way on his terms...and as long as we remember that, things seem to go just fine around here!

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