Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Holidays are getting more and more fun with our little munchkin.  We had such a lovely little Easter yesterday. 

Joan watched Jackson on Saturday evening so Corey and I could enjoy a date night with the Barths, and then stayed the night so we could all celebrate together in the morning.

After a yummy brunch, we headed outside for a little egg hunt Joan put together.  Jackson understood the concept right away and ran around the driveway looking for eggs.  It was the sweetest thing when he headed up towards the front door and spotted yet another egg --- he jumped, shrieked and looked at us, yelling "I see 'nother one!!"  Mom of the year award goes to me - I didn't think to bring the video camera out with us, until a few eggs in, and at that point, there wouldn't have been time to run back in and grab it.  I so wish I'd have been able to catch his joy and excitement on video.  But the hubby saves the day by capturing some great photo throughout the morning.

Each egg had a magnetic letter in it that corresponded to a present or activity.  "C" was chocolate (or "cho-o-LIT" if you're J), "A" was for airplane, and "D" was for daddy (i.e. give daddy a kiss).  J is getting really good with his letters (what they are and what they stand for) so this activity was perfect for him.

He absolutely loved the mini chocolate bunnies and bunny crackers and spent the day asking for more.

And to top of our lovely morning, the weather couldn't have been better - I don't remember an Easter this nice.  And a nice day meant our first sunbathing date of the year, while J napped.  It reminded me that summer is just around the corner, which I can't be anymore excited about.

It was a great holiday, and it makes me even more excited to celebrate Jackson's birthday later this month.


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