Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Day in the Life of Baby J - Part 2

I happened to come across my blog post from early last month with Jackson's schedule at that time and was shocked at how far he's come in just a few short weeks.

Here's a look at his current schedule:

6:45-7:15 a.m. - J wakes up, followed by first feeding, followed by wake time (he's typically up for 1-1.5 hours at a time), followed by a nap in his crib (he's currently struggling with catnaps - trying to figure out how we can extend them, as he's clearly tired when he wakes up after ~45 mins; however he will not go back to sleep, no matter what we do)

10:15 or 10:30 a.m. - Second feeding, followed by wake time or a walk with the BOB, followed by a nap

1:45ish p.m. - Third feeding, followed by wake time, followed by a nap

5ish p.m. - Forth feeding, followed by walking Roxy with J in the Bjorn, sometimes followed by a nap

8 p.m. - Bedtime routine (fifth feeding, PJs, book, swaddle, cuddle / rock / sing for a few mins)

4ish a.m. - Sixth feeding

As you can see, we've moved up J's bedtime - while it means less cuddle time with him at night (during which he was usually sleeping anyway), it's been great to have time to ourselves to get things done and get to bed a bit earlier for our beauty sleep. We've also started bedtime and naptime routines to help make putting him down to sleep easier so he knows what's coming and starts to get tired at those times. So far, since we started these about two weeks ago, it's been going really well.

We have been able to get him down in his crib for his first nap, but the subsequent naps have been harder as he's overtired after the cat naps and when he's overtired, it's hard to get him down to sleep anywhere we put him. But, we'll continue to try and he'll hopefully outgrow the catnaps at some point, as well.

It's been so nice now that he's been sleeping about 7-8 hours straight at night and it's been much easier to do more throughout the day (i.e. run errands, go on walks, etc), now that he's going longer between feedings and on a fairly predictable schedule each day.

Looking forward to seeing how his schedule changes over the next month and whether we see the same sort of drastic changes we saw over the last month - fingers crossed he'll be fully sleeping through the night! (A girl can dream, right?)

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